Written by Maryse Maryse on

A real Husky Adventure and Aurora Dreams

Northern lights

We woke up early this morning, filled with excitement as we headed to the airport to pick up our rental car. With the keys to a sleek Mercedes Benz A-Class in hand, we were ready to explore Lapland beyond the city limits. Admittedly, it took us a moment to figure out how to start the car, but once we got it running, the drive was incredibly smooth and navigating the snowy roads was surprisingly easier than we had imagined.

Meeting the Huskies

Our first destination was the “Frozen Lake Husky” kennel, where we had booked a 45km husky sledding adventure through Lapland Private. Upon arrival, we were invited to help prepare the huskies, including harnessing our six eager dogs. It was a wonderful experience to interact with the huskies and see their excitement as they got ready for the journey. Preparing huskies

Thrilling Husky Ride

The husky ride was absolutely amazing! We traversed a variety of landscapes, from frozen lakes to dense forests, offering us breathtaking views and a true sense of adventure. Although going uphill was challenging and required some effort, the thrill of speeding through the snow made it all worth it. By the end of the ride, we were a bit cold but elated by the experience. husky ride

After our 40 km ride, we helped feed the huskies and remove their harnesses before being welcomed into a warm tent. Inside, we were treated to some delicious hot berry juice, which was perfect for warming up. As we chatted with our guide, we learned that tonight was forecasted to be a great night for spotting the aurora borealis. With this exciting news, we couldn’t wait to head out again later that evening. husky petting

Quest for the Northern Lights

As night fell, we drove to Saarkenkyla, a remote spot on a frozen lake far from the city lights. Upon arrival, we were greeted by a brief but spectacular display of the northern lights, which lasted only about five minutes. Not ready to give up, we decided to wait it out, armed with our aurora app that promised more to come. Heart light

Fun fact: Did you know that you can often see the aurora better in photographs than in real life? This is because camera sensors can capture more light and detail than the human eye, especially in low-light conditions.


For the next three hours, we experimented with long-exposure photography, capturing stunning images of the starry sky and the snow-covered landscape. Despite the cold, we kept our spirits high, playing in the snow and keeping warm with hand pad warmers. Finally, my boyfriend noticed the aurora appearing on one of his photos. Excitedly, he called out, and soon enough, the sky lit up with a magnificent aurora display. Northern lights posing

We spent nearly an hour in awe, watching the northern lights dance across the sky in a vibrant arch. It was a dream come true and an unforgettable moment that capped off our incredible day. Satisfied and exhausted, we returned to our Airbnb late at night, our hearts full of joy and our minds filled with the beauty of Lapland. Northern lights

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